I've Got the Pow-ahh

So, I wrote a list of all the weird shit that happened in the last few days. Aside from the weather, which coincidentally is the root cause of the craziness. We got hit with another lovely ice storm that coated everything with about three-quarters of an inch of ice. I haven't uploaded the pictures yet, but will soon. Soonish, how 'bout?

Here's the list I hand-wrote because we had no power from Friday around 10:30 pm until Monday around 5:00 pm.
  • I showered by candlelight with the last of the hot water we'd have for a few days. That was Friday night. The next shower was Sunday night. Not quite as bad as camping, thankfully.
  • Just a few short weeks ago for Christmas, we got a hand-crank radio, an LED flashlight on a tripod, and a battery-powered reading light for the bedroom. All of these items proved vital to our sanity and safety. The radio also had TV station reception so we could listen to FOX. I wasn't complaining.
  • Surfer Boy came less than three feet away from having an ice-covered limb fall on his head. Standing outside on Saturday, you could hear the CRACK! and subsequent sound of bits of ice and limb rain down about every five minutes somewhere in our neighborhood. And by the looks of it, about every other limb falling sounds were coming from our yard. The slightest breeze made me look up with trepidation.
  • I listened to the NOAA weather station, which is basically a computer reciting the forecast, for no less than 48 hours straight. Ok, a slight exaggeration, but still. A LOT.
  • Tried to boot up the computer using generator power. Couldn't get the Internet going though. It could have been because the cables are laying on the ground in our back yard instead of being nicely secured to the house up and out of the way.
  • We thought Daryl and Daryl died. Those are the names we gave to the two anoles (lizards for you non-reptilian types) we recently purchased and put up in a lovely terrarium built by Surfer Boy. The room where the terrarium lived wasn't one of the ones we were heating with our little indoor-safe propane heaters. We finally got the bright idea to put them in something small and portable so we could keep them in the rooms that were being heated and they lived! S.B. had come in at one point and said "Daryl's dead and I can't find his brother" all sad-like. But no! The anoles live! (There is no Larry. Just Daryl and Daryl.)
  • Surfer Boy got threatened by our tenant's mother (who doesn't actually reside in our rental unit) because, get this, her family (our tenants) were at her house taking showers and costing her money because they didn't have power and she did. Nobody on our rental's street had power and neither did we or about 200,000 other people, but she thought it was OK to call us up and threaten us with legal action because we weren't providing a "basic standard of living". At one point, she phoned S.B. up and said "I don't like the way you talked to me. There will be repercussions." and hung up. This was when he was telling her there was nothing he could do to get their power back on. Un-fucking-believeable, some people!

The happy ending is that we are now back to having power and all that goes with it. Especially heat - that one I'm real real glad to have back.


Unknown said…
i'm so glad to hear that the daryls live!
Life said…
It's gettin, it's gettin, it's gettin kinda hectic (always makes me think of the beginning of The Fisher King).

I just looked up Anoles and cold weather and found this, "Anoles are cold-blooded and require supplemental heat for proper digestion. If a reptile is cold, it cannot properly digest its food and is more likely to become ill. Lizards require a temperature gradient so if they are cold, they can move to a warmer part of the cage and vice versa."
So maybe the Daryls just didn't digest well over the weekend. Glad they made it.

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