True Story Friday

The scene: Main Street - a tourist haven with some offices mixed in, old-school brick street, gas lamplight, the whole bit. My office is on the second floor and has a balcony overlooking the street. Some coworkers and I go out there to smoke.

Act 1: A white car is driving by. The driver is playing with something and as the car passes right in front of us, we see what the driver is playing with. His dick. A dude drove down a busy street in broad daylight spanking his monkey.

Act 2: Cue flabbergastation. The first thought is "I did NOT just see that". Second thought is "Did Cute Cousin Coworker see that too?" We look at each other with our mouths agape. Eye-witness status confirmed - I have someone to back up my story.

Act 3: Tell the other co-workers. They are aghast, but oddly, not as surprised as I expect. One tells me she saw that a couple of times when she worked a McDonald's drive-thru. As in, people would pull up to the window as they're pulling on their wanker. My gag reflex is kicking in big time at that one.

Act 4: My mind starts thinking really disgusting thoughts: What happens with the inevitable result of the yanking? Does it hit the windshield? Do you then pull over to wipe it off or continue driving with it on the windshield? Can you drive safely during climax? And on and on. I'm now stuck with all of these unaswered questions.

The good news is that I'm going to the Piney this weekend. It's the one place where crossing the line is accepted, in some cases encouraged. Of course, I don't know of anyone else going except immediate family members, so I don't think I'll want to know the answers to my questions from them. But I'll definitely have to tell them about my day-changer! Talk about a mind-fuck!


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