Mothraleo is Anna!

Ha! I've outed her.

Sunday was not only the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, but was also my BFF's birthday - an equally explosive event, I can tell you that. Proof:

And here it was, Anna's birthday and SHE gave ME a gift! She just recently returned from a sojourn to jolly England - London to be exact. And she brought me back something that will change my life:

My allegiance is set. Mighty Mighty Liverpool! Now that I have the scarf, will they teach me the naughty chants? Fuck propriety and all that, I want to know the dirty bits.


Life said…
dude tracey looks crazed in that picture. wish i had got to join the fun. i didn't get to be at her birthday last year either because i was in the hospital.
me said…
Manchester- The Best.
Sun, Oct 22 at Manchester United 8:00 am EDT
JP said…
L. I. V.
E. R. P.
double O. L. Liverpool FC, come on you Reds...

not the most exciting chant admittedly but you have to support a crap uncreative team like Spurs for creative fans.

Com'on the Reds, Community Shield champs once again!

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