Can I Get A Hoo Ha?

In the interest of having the most complete list of my obsessions, I went on a mind quest in the Armenian hillside and pondered my love for all things dorky. To wit:

Movies (in no particular order)
  • The Outsiders. I made my brothers watch this movie no less than 100 times in one summer.
  • Stand By Me. Ditto
  • True Romance. I went so far as to have a song from the movie in my wedding. Judge me if you will, but I still like that song.
  • The Princess Bride. Anybody want a peanut? And..... a song from this movie was in my wedding.
  • Amadeus. Strangely, no song from this movie in the wedding.
  • Harry Potter. What can I say? I'd love to be a real witch.
  • Here is where I might put Lord of the Rings. But, I am not putting it on my list because of the agregious offense of the hollywoodization of the story. I tried to convince myself it was ok because it was some sort of artistic license, but it was just too cheesy. I can't overcome the cheesy.

Albums (wouldn't dare put these in order)

  • The Wall (Pink Floyd)
  • Freaky Styley (Red Hot Chili Peppers) Also, Mother's Milk was in my car's tape player for seriously almost a year straight.
  • 40 oz. To Freedom (Sublime)
  • Abbey Road (The Beatles)
  • Black Celebration (Depeche Mode)
  • Catch A Fire (Bob Marley)
  • Licensed to Ill (Beastie Boys) and a shout out to Paul's Boutique.
  • Louder than Bombs (The Smiths)
  • Simon and Garfunkel - any.
  • Synchronicity (The Police)
  • Nothing's Shocking (Jane's Addiction)
  • Requiem in D (Mozart)

Books (I've read all of these books at least 10 times and some over 30, honestly. Not bragging or anything, just showing the depth of my obsession.)

  • To Kill A Mockingbird (Harper Lee)
  • Ender's Game/Speaker for the Dead (Orson Scott Card)
  • The Westing Game (can't remember - it was fourth grade and my least favorite teacher assigned it to me. I loved it.)
  • The Gnome From Nome (kids book that I bought a few years ago just to have it again.)
  • The Original Illustrated Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, he of the masterful story)
  • Jitterbug Perfume (Tom Robbins)
  • The Education of Little Tree (this one is the exception to the 10x reading rule - too too much to read it over and over. I want to read it like every 10 years to pace myself)

Ok, so maybe these aren't complete lists. They might even be grotesquely abbreviated. Maybe I didn't go to the hills of Armenia. Maybe I've been avoiding the blog. To all the bloggers and bloggettes out there that post every day, I salute you. That ain't my bag though, I think that much is painfully clear.

However, I have a lot of dumb shit to say and why not spill it here until my loyal readers' eyeballs bleed the blood of boredom? Sounds like a plan to me. Let me get a Hoo Ha!


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