Heidi Klum Smokes Crack

The only evidence I have is last night's episode of Project Runway (well, that and some of those outfits she wears....the hell?). If you don't watch Project Runway avert your eyes, put your blinders on or whatever you do to ignore the best reality show on the telly. And also? Even if you hate fashion shows or whatever, Heidi Klum is freaking hawt. H-O-Double-T hot I tell you. Sometimes her voice gets this really tinny and annoying sound to it (cue that laugh from one of the commercials for the show, egads), but her accent is awesome and she's just too damn sexy. No one should get to be that sexy. How she doesn't have 823 stalkers, I'll never understand.

First, I have to profess my love and devotion to Michael Knight. What David Hasselhoff lacked in style clearly ended up in the genes of his Knight Rider namesake. This guy rocks and I am not surprised in the least that he won two challenges in a row. I think he should have won the first challenge as well - I mean come on! A dress made entirely of coffee filters that was THAT cute? And never mind the fact that his persona on the show is this really sweet, down-to-earth dude who just happens to make fabulous clothes...I am totally rooting for MK to go all the way to Fashion Week.

Ok, back to how I know Heidi Klum is on crack. Simply put, they auf'd Allison over Vincent last night. Granted, her outfit was a glorified paper sack - but I ask you WTF was Vincent's dress then? At least Allison's model could WALK in her dress. And all of Allison's other designs? Freaking cute. All of Vincent's other designs can best be described as Who The Fuck Would Wear That. His Twiggy modernization dress was hideous. His first challenge dress was comical. And the way he acted when he had to work with Angela was like a 10 year-old with a power trip. Angela might have come off bitchy at first and that pairing certainly didn't help - but when she won the challenge where she had to work with two other people, you could tell that it wasn't her that had been the instigator in her and Vincent's squabbles. I'm completely convinced that guy dropped 14 too many hits of acid.

And Jeffrey? I hate your neck tattoo. Dumbass.

UPDATE! 23 August: Laura, you have your own style and none of your designs have strayed far from it - and I can appreciate that. But what I don't necessarily appreciate is the way your style enhances the sternum. You, my dear, have no chest. You have a syndrome I refer to as anti-boob wherein your boobs are actually concave instead of convex on your chest and frankly, it's not something you should be accentuating. Amen and Hallelujah.


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