Panty Predator

He's so cute in this picture, no? He's all young, naked and svelte. I'll have to start looking at this picture more frequently to remind myself that he's my baby and I can't in good conscious kill him like I want to when I find my underwear chewed up and digested all over the house and yard. Now he's even taken to eating clean underwear from out of my clothes basket in the basement - a frightening turn of events since he's always stuck to the non-laundered prior to this latest relapse.

And even though in my head I know that he's not getting me back for anything (vet visit, the mere presence of Corn Dog) or otherwise holding a grudge, I can't help but want to poke his eyes out and pull his dew claws off when I discover the newly mangled underwear.

Oh Cassady, don't hate. The worst part is what you don't know: Dirty Gravy and I are leaving next week and you get to have The World's Cutest Cousin to hang out with. Please save the pieces...


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