Hate Me

Yeah, go ahead. I'm going to the Bahamas for a week and you're not. Dirty Gravy even gets to go to this work conference so you can hate him too.

Meanwhile, I'll be hating on myself aplenty. I don't know what I was thinking when I booked this trip - being gone for the week before your inlaws come to stay for 8 days, two weeks before Christmas and less than a month after getting back from the last work conference in France. Not only is it a fiscally repugnant time to be taking a holiday, it's an equally emotionally putrid time as well.

I know what you're thinking-ish: "Cry me a river! You ungrateful bitch! You are seriously complaining about going to the Bahamas in December?! STFU!" And I know you're right...I know you're right.

Guess I'm finally getting my four days Dirty Gravy owes me for getting sick on our honeymoon. That would be the four days lopped off the honeymoon because of the whole airlifted-back-to-the-US thing. You'll have to wait for that story.

So, while I'm gone, pine away for me and hate me for being in the Bahamas...I'll miss you about as much as you'll miss these engaging posts.


Life said…
and on the polar end of the spectrum from my life, there is you two going to frolick on the beach. sigh. have some bahamien beer for me biatch. (are you already gone?)
Life said…
need. new. post. with pics!

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