Someone Said Blogging Is Therapeutic

So I'm gonna try it out. Right now.

In about 5 minutes, I have to head out in fun rush hour traffic to go to a office holiday party by myself. Dirty Gravy isn't going because his family is in town and they're not wanting to spend their short time here with my co-workers (nothing personal of course) but rather D.G. and I don't blame them one bit. I know I'm feeling sorry for myself and I have no reason to be so upset about this, but I just snapped at my mother-in-law who is just the sweetest, kindest-hearted person you can hope to know and so now I feel doubly aggravated at myself.

But the real question I have to ask is why do we need to have two separate Christmas events for an office with 9 employees? On Wednesday, we have our staff-only gift exchange and bowling lunch. I'm wondering if I shouldn't just cancel my scheduled vacation day on Wednesday since I have to do work stuff anyway.

I think I'm just letting this steam build up inside and I don't know any good outlets for it other than shitting on people I love. But it's so easy! Fucking Christmas, man. There are just so so so so so many things that are causing stress right now and I know there has to be some socially acceptable way of venting it and I just don't know what they are. Any help Internets?

And, if by some crazy way someone from my work does read this (Kevin - let's not get technical) I absolutely mean no offense to anyone. I already spend a lot of time with all of you and while it's really cool to have a different setting to hang out in, I personally have a hard time juggling all of the shit that goes along with the holidays as it is without throwing in a heavy dose of inlaws (the best you could ever ask for, by the way - and I say that thinking/hoping that none of them read this), a head cold, and two work events.

You know what? I do kinda feel like I can deal with this dinner now. Thanks.


C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
I promise to fix all grammatical errors at a later date.

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