i'm a horrible human

cassady surgery
Originally uploaded by Corn Dog.

It's hard not to feel that way when you see your poor dog with a shaved leg and a six-inch long incision. Oh yeah, and they had to yank out a tooth and chop off a skin growth from his chest too. Three incision sites = three times the guilt.

And don't forget the part where I got pretty worked up about him having to spend the night at the vet's office (he's a certifiable Houdini Dog) and when I went to pick him up, they couldn't stop telling me how calm and great he was the whole time. So, yeah, seem like it's actually only me with the separation anxiety. Poor guy was probably loving his Corn Dog-free time.

Medications that came home with him:
- Acepromazine (no idea what this is for - could be the sedative I asked for)(for him, not me)
- Hydroxyzine (again, not sure what this one is - maybe the antihistamine?)
- Antirobe (this one is an antibiotic for the nasty infection from the rotten tooth)
- Cosequin DX (for arthritis in his new/old knee)
- Thyrozine (thyroid pills he'll be on forever)

It'd probably help his recovery more if I fed Corn Dog the sedatives.


JackIrons009 said…
I agree, give the downers to Col. Corn Dog.
Life said…
"Acepromazine is one of the most commonly used tranquilizers in veterinary medicine. It is a phenothiazine compound. Its mode of action is only partially understood but it involves blockage of dopamine nerve receptors in the brain. It causes tranquilization and also has an anti-emetic effect. This makes it especially useful for treating car sickness, since that is often a combination of fear and motion sickness in dogs."

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