Par For the Course

One travel nightmare...check.
One lost luggage...check.
Two extremely sore feet and legs...check.
One stress diet with no appetite for the last 48 hours...check.

Such is my life at the conference. I did receive my luggage at 6:20 am on Tuesday morning, so at least that part worked out. I had just gotten out of the shower and had used body lotion and conditioner as hair products, so when the porter knocked and brought my bag in, the first thing I did after kissing him and prostrating myself at his feet, was jump back in the shower to use my own hair products. Nothing will kill what little confidence I sometimes have at these events quicker than a big ball of frizz on top of my head. I am grateful for hair products.

I'll have to tell the full horror story of the trip some other time, but suffice it to say that in the future, I will be avoiding American Airlines and Fucking O'Hare at all costs from now until eternity. If I never have to fly through Fucking O'Hare again, it will be too soon. And American Airlines can take my frequent flyer miles and shove them up their collective arses as I hope to never have to fly with them again.

Thanks for the comments - y'all made me smile in spite of it all. And that's no easy feat, I can promise you that.


Anonymous said…
I think you need a Piney trip! You are surely deserving of a drunkfest weekend. Hope the rest of the week gets better!
Life said…
That is its new official name- "Fucking O'Hare" kind of like how you are supposed to spit when you mention Dulles. Hope you get back with no further nightmares. I have a whole bunch of American miles too. We should fly them one more time each and go to Ireland or Hawaii or Belize.
Unknown said…
it really is so nice to get your own luggage after it's been 'missing' for any amount of time. it's like you're getting a big bag full of presents, even though it's all your stuff anyway.
j'espere que tu as un bon fois dans montreal! man, my french is probably awful, but obviously i can't tell.
Anonymous said…
Hey, y'all. If you seriously don't give a rat's ass about your Frequent Flyer miles, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE donate them to someone in the military (and/or their family) stationed in the Middle East. Oftentimes, GI's on leave can't afford to come home, even though they have the time off. Contact the airline for more details. All major airlines have a program for Miles donation. Support the effin troops. Love.
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
That is a good idea. I donated 5000 miles right after Hurricane Katrina and like to think it helped someone either get the hell out of there, or get down there to help out. Hopefully, that's what happened with them.

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