Can you read the t-shirt?

Can you read the t-shirt?, originally uploaded by Corn Dog.

i've been wanting to do a proper post to announce to the world (or better yet, all 4 readers that don't know) that I'm an aunt for the first time. This isn't that post. This is me bored out of my skull after sitting in this plane for the last 2.5 hours. Oh, and not actually flying. Nope. Just sitting here at my favourite airport in the whole, wide world. Fucking o'hare.

But look! Look at the wee baby fingers! Look at the funny t-shirt! I'm so proud of my bro and his wife - congratulations! Would y'all care if this blog became all nephew pictures, all the time?


Unknown said…
ah, of course, you just couldn't get out of chicago w/o some major complications. hope you're safely in london by now. go malta! tell the mediterranean hi for me and that hopefully i'll see it next may.

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