Au Revoir Pour Maintenant

On Sunday, I go to Montreal for work. By Thursday of next week, this bit of my work - this bit that has been sucking my soul dry for the last six months - will be over. I'm not as worried about it now as I have been, mostly because it's out of my control at this point, but it's been a source of constant angst for long enough.

Right before these conferences that I go to, I usually go shopping for one piece of clothing that will make an old outfit new again. For this trip, I've been searching without luck for a jacket. Not a suit jacket really, because that's just not how I roll, yo. But just a regular, nicely tailored jacket that will get dressed up with the right shirt. Today I found the perfect jacket, but it was a size smaller than I'd usually even try on. I tried it on. It's just a wee bit tight in the arms, but otherwise - love it. I had the random thought "I could have my arms lipo'ed so it would fit better. But then I'd be getting lipo for a $40 jacket". I need to lay off the crack pipe.

I also bought some shoes. Now, this is one of the cardinal sins of tradeshows/conferences...wearing a new pair of shoes. You walk so much on the hard concrete that ANY pair of shoes will have your feet hurting by 10 am, so you should NEVER and I mean NEVER wear a new pair of shoes to a tradeshow. So that I don't appear to be breaking the rules (they're more like guidelines), I wore them today, hence the picture in my previous post. Now I know where they rub and I can remedy that with the $432 worth of foot care products I bought last night at Tarjay. Seriously, if it was made to pad shoes or heel blisters or make shoes fit right, I bought it. I can't believe how many times I've wished I had this this foot pad or that shoe insert, so I just bought them all. It's worth the extra weight in my luggage fo damn sho.

Tomorrow is my birfday. My mum did all the hard work, but I reap all the benefits. I guess it's only fair then that she's out of town on my birthday. Hmph.

Now that I'm down with posting pictures from my phone, I'll try to do that a bit more frequently while I'm gone. But I can't update the Many Faces of Corn Dog photo for a bit, so just go on and deal with it. Toughen up, I say.

Oh, and I'm going to Malta and not South Africa. If I had known that I'd be going to Malta in a few weeks on a "fam trip", which apparently stands for familiarization trip, I'd have picked SA and gone both places anyway. But, it wasn't to be and now I'm going to Malta twice in six months. And yes, I know it could be WAY worse. The good news is that I'm still going to attempt to mark off Africa on the list of continents I've visted after the second trip to Malta in's really close to Libya. But I think I'll try to visit Egypt instead. Wow, that's crazy to say/write. Holy shit. That would be awesome.


Unknown said…
bon voyage, mon amie! ma amie? m'amie? mammy.
Anonymous said…
Mammy. I think it's mammy. Definitely mammy.

Say howdy to them big ol' pyramids fer me and see if you can't get some scarabs chicken fried while you're at it.

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