Like my new shoes?

Like my new shoes?, originally uploaded by Corn Dog.

I love them. They make me wish I knew how to tap dance.


JP said…
and if you ever get lost you can just tap the heels together three times and ......
JP said…
Sorry, love the new shoes but even with a bazilion dollars of shoe and foot care product you really shouldn't break teh rules, guidelines or whatever else you claim stops them being law.

Happy birthday for last weekend by the way, hope you did it properly (aka got drunk and fell over!)
Unknown said…
well, you know how i feel about mary janes...and red shoes...and red mary janes...and i've had that ruby slipper comment aimed in my direction by several people over my lifetime. i finally bought some---glittery red slip-ons--just so i finally really had some ruby slippers. they're magic, too.

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