Soon, I Promise

To those who haven't yet said "to hell with that blog and that bitch that never updates" you will be rewarded with photos (with titles and explanations! it's the time-consuming part) and posts about my recent trip to Beijing. Veddy, veddy soon. I even took notes while there so I would remember all the stuff I saw in order to share it here. I have officially become my grandmother.

As for the mobile blogging experiment, well, I think you can tell how that went. The test worked and then my subsequent attempts at posting from the phone failed. I probably spent $16 in text messaging fees for posts that never showed up. I think I may have figured out the problem though and thank god too - I can't wait to see how the picture of the chicken feet salad turned out. Seriously. A salad with chicken feet as the main ingredient.

I also tried to post from an Internet kiosk at the Hong Kong airport. The site was blocked though and the nice little pop-up said CDB was blocked for "Inappropriate Language: Fucker". I thought that was quite appropriate. And very helpful that they let me know which word triggered the blockage. Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of blocking it though?

This and so much more is coming. Can you contain your excitment? I know I sure can't.


Anonymous said…
Welcome home Sister! I'm glad you had a safe trip.
Life said…
I looked at your flickr pictures- you had some gorgeous shots. Can't wait to hear the stories. fucker.
Unknown said…
i prefer to read it as "inappropriate language, fucker"

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