Don't You Love it When...

  • get a new phone? I am bursting with pride over my new little friend. It sings to me and she retrieves my email...I love it so. The only downside is that I'm bound to become one of those people pretending to pay attention in a conversation but am actually checking my emails on my phone. But, I'm breaking it in with the firm assertion that I WON'T become one of those people addicted to their email. I'm not that important and I don't ever want to be that important.
  • have a party and the cops are called because people are having too much fun for stodgy suburbia? The third (or was it fourth) annual Jamexican party had probably it's largest turnout ever (thanks in large part to Anna and her party coordination skills) and I think everyone had a jolly good time. By the time the cops showed up to let us know there had been "several" noise complaints from neighbors (which maybe? I have a hard time believing since two of our five neighbors were AT the party to begin with) there were only four people left and the outside music had been turned off. But hey, the cops came! I think that means the party was a success by any standards.
  • get to travel to a new place? I will be visiting Vienna for the first time ever in a week or so and I'm really excited about it. I've always been a big fan of classical music with Mozart being my favorite. The hotel where I'm staying is literally across the street from the park with the Mozart statue. Giddy, I tell you. I'm freakin' giddy.
  • want to say something about how much you love your friends but it all comes out sounding really cheesy? Maybe there's nothing wrong with cheesy in this instance. Because seriously? I've got some fabulous friends that know me and understand me and help me out in innumerable ways. I may not see all of them as much as I'd like and I may not correspond with some as much as I'd like, but there's something about just knowing they're there. Somewhere. Ready to listen or give advice or smack me upside the head (verbally of course). When I start feeling all self-pityish and woe is me, I try to remember that there's people out there - crazy & deluded people maybe, but so what - that love me and that counts for something. A lot actually.
  • ...the next trip to the Piney is right around the corner? I think we might have set a date at the party, but by that time, the brain cells tasked with remembering things longer than a nanosecond were swimming in a pool of Sam Adams Light and slurring their words. So, if someone that remembers reads this, can you email me and let me know when that was again? Thanksh.

It's audience participation time! It's not mandatory of course, but you don't want to be responsible for me never posting again do you? (See what I did there? Blackmail. Damn right. I'm not above it.)


Life said…
Don't You Love It When...

There are still Thin Mints in the freezer.

Fun window jelly-like Easter Clings

Daffodils blooming in the front yard

St. Patrick's Day is tomorrow!
Unknown said…
was it the largest jamexican turnout ever? yay! you're gone now, but i trust we'll be hearing from you while you're away. again! sob!
thin mints? yeah, i didn't get any girl scout cookies this year. nobody ever asked me if i wanted to buy any, but if they had, i wouldn't have gotten any! i wouldn't, i say! except maybe a box of those chocolate peanut butter ones...mmmm...
Unknown said…
oh, and ps i think diego may have broken my nose last night. going to the doctor for a possible x-ray and nose-fixin later today. love it. and no, i don't have any black eyes or anything, but i have been told by my dad, both of my bosses, and tony via picture phone that my nose is now slanted to the right. so great.
JP said…
don't you love it when;
- you wake up on the first day of being the big three zero after 14 plus hours of st. paddy's day Guinness and bugger all sleep and you don't have a hangover - I love my liver.
- your flatmate moves out but still pays rent meaning for a whole month you've the place to yourself and can do what the hell you like (I'll not comment on what that might be but use your imaginations people!!!)
- you get a work trip back to Europe and with a little effort you might get to see your folks for the 1st time in over a year...
Unknown said…
happy birthday to jp!
Life said…
Anonymous said…
you're KILLING me. Post, for the love of all that is holy, POST.

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