Lost in Vienna

At least, I'm hoping to get lost today during my walking tour of what is a stunning city. Across the street from my hotel is park where a famous Mozart statue and a famous Goethe (pronounced gerta, thanks JoySoy) statue live. The weather is ideal with mostly sunny skies and cool, but not cold. Magnolia trees, forsythia and any number of other early spring blooms pop out against the architecture. I can definitely see why Vienna is considered a romantic city.

On the other hand, this keyboard has caused that last paragraph to take me about 10 minutes and now I must run to catch up with my sightseeing companions. Why must they put the z where the y is supposed to be? And none of the punctuation marks are in the right place. I guess they had to get creative in order to have these: Ä Ö ß § µ € °.


Unknown said…
yay, vienna! and i was afraid that you were going to miss spring. (yeah, i told one of the herp keepers that, and she said 'and she's in VIENNA? yeah, i'm sure she's really upset that she's not here seeing another spring.') we've got all that blooming here---tulips are all up now, daffodils starting to fade, bradford pears, flowering crabs, forsythia, flowering plums, magnolias, all are blooming, and now we've got redbuds, rhododendrons, and azaleas blooming already! it's still march, hello? and the dogwoods in our neighbor's yard are starting to unfurl, too. it's crazy superspring here. when do you get home?
ps i tried to text SurferBoy about the change in stream team date, since i have no email address for him...then i remembered, 2 days later, that he can't get texts! arg.
have fun in vienna!!!
Life said…
I was just getting ready to post about you. I was so going to say. "Look, I know you are in Europe, not some remote African village without internet access. You have no excuse for not posting!!" But, lo and behold you posted. You will be quite excited to see all of the spring flowers and trees have exploded with blooms back home too. There are forsythia ablaze in yellow waiting to greet you upon your return. Take lots of pics and buy me a Mozart magnet or something.
Anonymous said…
I would like several cans of Vienna sausages please. That is what really says "Vienna" to me: weird shrunken processed tubular meat reminiscent of infantile genitalia in a pop-top can with a tasteless, pasty texture. Who needs Mozart when there are miniaturized canned sausages, people?
Brian said…
Get over to Salzburg if you can - absolutely gorgeous!!!!! Take it all in while you can.
Man, I wish I could get back - stinkin' responsibilities, kids, finances, etc.

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