Happy Horseshit

I just lost my post about the trip to Vienna. Am typing this so I don't continue with my preparations to commit Harry Caray on this mutha fucking computer.

I'm buying a Mac and that is final. FUCK WINDOWS XP. I hate you with the burning hot hate of a million rivers of lava. LAVA!!!!!

Carry on. Will have to update later on the trip. Once my brain can muster up something other than this string of invective currently overtaking all other thought.


JDW said…
nsave early save often. Also, the only reason you don't hear people bitch and whine about MAC's is because of 2 reasons.

1) There is an air of superiority regarding the Mac, they perpetuate it in their commercials and a lot of people get a Mac because they know how super cool they will be once they have one. Its common marketing law, if you can't sell the most, make people think your product is better. People are chumps, they believe it all. What proof is there?

2) Nobody owns a Mac. Sure, lots of people you know own Macs, lots of people you know LOVE their macintosh computer. Mac's market share is so pathetic that apple.com runs on windows servers. (I really have no way to support that claim) Minimal products = Minimal support.

Reasons I suggest you do NOT buy a macintosh computer. First, I think they are overpriced and I'm lookin out for your bottom line. Second, its not Windows that's the problem, its probably the way you got it set-up or something wrong with your computer hardware itself. Third, who supports macintosh? Will you need programs, will you be able to find adequate ones on the mac format? WHY DO YOU THINK THEY MADE IT SO MACS CAN RUN WINDOWS? no software support. The reason? see #2 above.

I'm a bona fide Mac hater. I'm not saying a Windows PC is better, but you can do a lot more with a lot less, and cheaply fix any problems that arise later (oh wait, that does make it better). Anytime you stick yourself into propietary formats, you are just asking to get ass raped if there are ever any problems. I just wanted to throw this out there before you drop some bills on a Mac. Please note, that I am not an unbiased person. A small part of the reason I hate macs is the same reason I hate volkswagen's. They both market to the same people in the same manner and overcharge for shit that is no better and in some cases worse.

This was and still is ALL my personal opinion. You like VW and mac? effin great. I'm not lookin for an argument. You should post why you like them (well Macs anyway) for the benefit of the corndogblog. Whatever you do, don't get offended because that's just dumb.

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