Oh How Times Have Changed

I was reading my paternal grandmother's Life Story on Christmas. I didn't have time to read the whole thing without being labeled anti-social, which vexed me because I really wanted to keep reading once I started. I could get away with hiding from the family festivities when I was "at that age" of being an angst-riddled teenager, but apparently, I'm supposed to have grown out of that age. I'm a cranky DINK now, shouldn't that count?

(And yes, I do see the irony of wanting to learn more about my grandma from a book than say, sitting down with her and having a conversation. I think my granddaughter of the year award just went to my cousin with the big hair.)

Out of many many interesting parts, I keep going back to the part where she is talking about her first job after finishing beauty school and how she had two outfits - "One on my back and one that was probably in the laundry". I imagine my closet and how empty it would look with one outfit on a hanger. And then I picture the reality of my closet - the one in my bedroom not the one in the spare room with my out-of-season clothes - and shudder. Just the economics of that idea is shocking.

I live with such excess. Don't get me wrong, I'd be the first one whining if I didn't have that tool to core apples* and my strappy sandals. But when I think about how crazy good we've got it compared to so many, my guilt sensors start working overtime. So I'll take this moment and try to incorporate it the next time I go to Tar-J and maybe, just maybe I'll think of this and opt out of buying that sequinned belt** that perfectly matches my new boots.

*I don't have that tool, but if you do, I'd love to know how recently you've used it and for what dish?
** I would never buy a sequinned belt, for the record. No offense to any sequinned-belt lovers out there.


Life said…
We do have that apple coring tool (and it was from Tar-jay-jay). We use it for C.'s apples because he doesn't like seeds. Mike makes him plates of apple slices with peanut butter all the time. I enjoy a good apple slice as well. Pear slices are also yummy.
Unknown said…
i could wear a sequined belt. not everyday, mind you.

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