Looking Forward To

...going to Amsterdam next month. This is a picture of the wall art in the funky apartment Surfer Boy and I stayed in when we went there a couple of years ago. This was the bedroom but we didn't sleep in it because the bed was seriously slanted downwards at the head. We tried putting cushions from the couch under the mattress but that was just plain uncomfortable. Actually, we couldn't decide if the bed was jacked or the floor of the apartment was the problem. We were on the third floor of a rickety little place. And it was in the prime part of town too. One night on our way back from the market, we walked by three guys in kilts. One pulled his kilt up and peed on the sidewalk. He didn't stop walking, mind you. Hell yeah.
This time, I'll be staying in an apartment...that floats on the canal. Yeah, someone thinks this is a good idea, but I keep envisioning trying to get back on the boat while impaired. Because those are not canals I'd want to fall into. And I get to share a boat-sized room with a co-worker. The good news is that I'm fully cognizant of the fact that I'll be in Amsterdam so I won't let my neuroses affect the trip, I promise.


Life said…
i am looking forward to more corn dog whimsy musings in 2007. i am so glad i have a real world friend who(m) i also know online. i tell anna (and to answer your ? i don't know why we dropped your pen name. maybe because your name is a palindrome and fun to type. anna. annnnnna.) to blog but she is too cool. too cool for school. rock n roll high school. i took cold medicine and i think i'm delirious.
Unknown said…
well...i am pretty cool.

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