When squirrels attack

Originally uploaded by Corn Dog.

No, I don't have rabies. But it was a close call. Actually I learned quite a lot about rabies the other day when a devious little squirrel decided to jump the gap between a building and a telephone pole right as I was walking between them. He/she landed on my stomach and I made a noise that I can only liken to a cross between an "Ooomph" and a "GAH!". Of course, I scared the bejesus out of the critter and I can assure you the feeling was mutual. He kicked a bit and bounced off of me, but not before he laid down three little scratches on the back of my hand. The nurseline nurse said squirrels are low-threat rabies carriers and you're more likely to get rabies from dogs, cats, cows, skunks, bats and raccoons. You can get it from squirrels, but it's pretty rare. PSA: So the next time you're walking in the vicinity of crazed squirrels, don't let them bite you, cuz you could just end up with a case of the dreaded lockjaw!


C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
I wish someone else had seen it too. After he jumped clear, I looked around and yelled "DID ANYBODY SEE THAT????". And then, "THAT WAS SERIOUSLY NOT COOL!".

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