Just tell me what to do

to help out. Beyond everything that I could say about the disaster response (or total lack thereof), I just want to say out loud that I want to help. I don't want to focus on why this or that didn't get done or that a small number of people are taking advantage of the dire situation - people, we need to focus on getting everyone out of there RIGHT NOW. This may go down as one of the worst disaster response debacles of all time, but we can play the blame game later. How can anyone watch even a few minutes of the news coverage and not feel the primal urge to go to them and try to help them? I think it's a part of our humanity that makes the empathy vibe so strong in a situation like this. Maybe one of the best parts of our humanity. So, this is a call to myself (and all zero of my readers) to activate and do whatever you can in whatever capacity you have to help these people out.


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