Hi Jason!

Originally uploaded by Corn Dog.
I don't think Corn Dog has met Hermie yet. Hermie and Corn Dog are kind of similar in that neither of them get out much. Not sure why Hermie doesn't get out much, but I know why Corn Dog doesn't: I'm too lazy to train her properly to not be a complete SPAZ. It's a terrible excuse and I resolve today that I will do more to socialize and train Corn Dog to be less spaztastic in public. She deserves to get out and play with strange dogs and sniff weird stuff.
I just met Hermie the other day, shes like a very fast and small cat, and i mean that in a cool way. I think Hermie should get out more as well, like the going to the piney, if all else fails just lock her in the cabin... with Cleo.
Corn Dog would not be Corn Dog if Corn Dog was not a Complete Spaz, dont you ruin her!!!!