I Know What I Want For My Birthday

I'm not a real big fan of my birthday mostly because I'm a big baby and don't want to get old. But also because it bugs me that somehow it's up to the person whose birthday it is to decide what to do to celebrate it. My position is that friends or family should take on the coordinating duties so as to relieve the celebratee of the burden of making a decision. Doesn't everyone hate making decisions as much as I do?

Most years, someone will call and ask what I'm doing for my birthday and I would scramble to come up with something that sounded fun although, inevitably, I'd be in a sorry frame of mind to make such plans due to my "woe is me, I'm old" moaning. This year is different, I'm happy to report. Not only is JoySoy Habanero taking me, my Mom and Super Sue to a Cardinals game AND making sure I don't have to drive in an inebriated state Sunday night, but I also have a fantastic idea of what my family should do for me: have a pie fight.

Anyone that grew up watching and appreciating the Three Stooges ought to know exactly where I'm coming from. How could anyone watch those timeless pie fights and NOT want to participate in one themselves? I know I always have and yet, the opportunity has not presented itself to me no matter how much I've tried to position myself to be in the right place at the right time. For instance, why else would I go to the Ladies Auxilliary Bake-Off? Or the time I went with Lard Ass to the Great Pie-Eating Contest?

So, that's what I want for my birthday - a genuine pie fight. I'm thinking whipped cream pies should be fairly easy to assemble and fairly easy to take on the kisser. Anyone want to volunteer their house? I'm thinking if we each have a dozen rounds of ammo (punny!) that will be plenty of pie-in-face action for one birthday.


Life said…
so, if i sneak into your work with a whipped cream pie and shove it in your face while you're working, i wouldn't have to run away really fast because that's what you want for your birthday? good to know. let me know if you are doing something local in addition to your cardinals' game bday celebration!
Unknown said…
or whatever else. i actually woke up today thinking, i wonder what dawn wants and/or is doing for her birthday! weird...also, yes, i hate having to make my own plans for my birthday. boo. so yeah, let me know if you do anything after the game! i'm off the next day, i'm open! also can do something on actual birthday night if you want, but not too late, i don't have the next few tuesdays off...sadly. also open on saturday night. yep.
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
K - Why don't you try it and find out? But you have to promise not to be mad when I scrape the pie off my face and chase you down the street with it, all while screaming "Whore!" at the top of my lungs. Just like the stooges would do, ha!

A - I'm sure we'll be doing something downtown after the game, I'll keep you posted. No other weekend plans save for the game on Sunday - I think my family all has previous engagements as I haven't heard from any of them about it. Cawl me!
Unknown said…
roger that!
Unknown said…
where are the pie pictures? i know you pie-fighted it last night. sorry i missed it.
Life said…
It has been nearly one month since you posted. Fail.
Life said…
you know, it has now been OVER a month since you posted. i'm not updating till you do. so there.
Unknown said…
kim lied. she posted. and then she directed all of her bloggroupies to come here and berate you. you'd better watch out, holland is coming. she's big in holland.

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