Don't You Love it When...

...a once long-lost friend comes back into the fold of your life? Mr. FivePants, it was damn good to see you again. Don't be a stranger.
...your muscles ache from exertion? Sure, you might wince at every movement and going to the bathroom is an exercise in agony, but there's definitely the upside of not feeling quite as sedentary as usual. Of course, my exertion was trying to curve bowl and the only muscle that hurts is my right bicep, but you know what I mean.
...the softest dog in the whole world is cuddled up next to you when you're sad? Corn Dog's ears are like butta. Silky, smooth, butta. And she's so nice and warm. A big, warm, sausage-shaped ball of fuzz. It's like therapy only not as expensive.
...your friends show infinite patience as they try to explain, for the umpteenth time, why you shouldn't beat yourself up? My masochistic streak runneth over. I have been blessed with a style of self-deprecation that can suck up the last ray of sunshine and spit it out into a great wad of sucktastic despair. Luckily for me, my friends are positive thinkers and by gosh by golly, one day, I'll get there...even if I have to call myself names every day.
...the kitchen sink starts leaking in two places? Oh, wait, wrong list. Well, at least the dogs have an endless supply of water while I'm at work.
...a cute little neighbor girl draws a picture of you and tapes it to your door? This happened in Hong Kong and JP just sent it to me in the mail! It made my morning to get that piece of mail. Of course, I don't know what the little Chinese characters in the corner that her mom wrote on the picture mean, so for all I know, it says "Crazy Hair Lady", which would be totally appropriate.

I always write these "Don't You Love it When..." posts when I'm feeling down and they really do help pick me up emotionally. It might just be a band-aid on a gunshot would, but I suppose it's better than nothing. And no one should ever be at fault for trying to be grateful and trying to look at the positives in any situation.

So now I urge you to do a bit of positive thinking and add your own "loving it when" comment.


Life said…
... the daffodils, tulips and irises are about to bloom? (it seems like in years past the daffodils came first but this year, they are all neck in neck in my front yard bloomfest)
... leftover ham
... pinwheels spread all over the yard for the amusement of my toddlers
... reese's peanut butter cup easter eggs on clearance
Anonymous said… get a surprise trip to Philly to go to an exhibit of your favorite artist.
...the mole didn't get all the lily bulbs and they are starting to break through the mulch. get to wear capri pants for the first time this year!
Unknown said…
...Your friend coins a fabulous phrase like "sucktastic despair"
...The Universe proves to you once again that it really does have your best interests at heart
...You're newly in love and it's super duper fun, even though it makes your friends and family throw-up a little in their mouths every time the topic arises
...You have the World's Greatest Hiking/Traveling Dog
...Baseball season is about to start and ANYTHING can happen!!
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
Awww, you guys rock for playing along! Thanks a LOT!

All, very good additions. Well done.
Unknown said…
oooh, yay to joy on the new fabu love! and i second the capri pants bit, though i haven't broken mine out yet.
--i have 2 more hours of work, and then i'm off for my usual 3 day weekend. i do love that.
i also love it when diego does a complete twirl in midair.

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