This Just In: 15-hour flights suck

It's a shocker, I know. I even paid an extra $119 (that I probably can't expense) to have a seat in "Economy Plus", which United says gives you "up to 5 extra inches of leg room". What gives with the "up to" part? I might have enjoyed that extra leg room, but the girl sitting next to me that kept coming back to her seat right after we got our meals pretty much negated any joy I would have had about it.

All in all though, I can't complain about the trip out here to Macau. We left just a few minutes late from STL and the Chicago leg left right on time. A mere 15 hours later found me in the Hong Kong airport with a five-hour layover to wait for the next ferry to Macau. That's a long time to spend in Starbucks, let me tell you. By the time I got to my hotel room, it had been 30 hours since I started my journey. And the most delicious part was finally being able to be horizontal.

My hotel room at The Venetian (currently the world's largest building that includes at 20,000+ seat amphitheatre) is fantastic. It's a suite! It has a printer! The bathroom is ginormous!

I sure do miss the dogs though. And I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but man, I appreciate the people watching the dogs sooooo much. This time they get the added bonus of having to give Cassady about 14 different kinds of medication, I'm sure they're thrilled. Meds include: drops for his goopy eye, drops for his nasty ear infection, antibiotics for the skin infection on his neck, pills for every kind of skin infestation, and the standard thyroid pill he's on. He's an old dog, what can I say!

And final note on Cassady, when I took him to the vet last week, there was a bit of scary news. He's been having this thing lately where his back legs just kind of give out and he goes splaying across the floor and the vet thinks that this is not an arthritis symptom, but a nerve weakness that affects older, larger dogs. This could potentially be a real problem. But I guess if it comes down to it, I'll just fashion him one of those wheelbarrows for his back legs. Won't that be sexy!


Life said…
oh man, you could put a cone on his head and make him an ass wagon like eddie on frasier. i'm sorry the old boy isn't feeling well but that would be quite a funny sight. poor guy. have fun on the other side of the world. bring me a present and i'll love you forever.
Unknown said…
i want a ginormous bathroom. really i just want a ginormous bathtub. really, i just a hot water heater that will fill our current bathtub instead of running out of hot water around the middle of my horizontal thighs. blows, i say. tony says i can boil pots of water on the stove. yes, that's convenient...and relaxing. i've been looking into new hot water heaters...

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