Throwing caution to the wind

I've gone and done it now. I am typing this entry on my shiny new Macbook. Just typing that sentence gives me goose bumps.

I got it yesterday and since then, I've downloaded all of my music and photos and activated the iPhone. And everything has just worked. I plugged in the external hard drive and all of my stuff was there. I plugged in the ethernet cable and I had live tubes of Internet goodness. I plugged in my camera and poof - all my pictures were downloaded.

I do have some issues though, coming from a PC world for so long. For instance, how exactly do you select all? I cannot figure it out. And what is "the finder"? It's in a lot of help question answers and I haven't a clue what it is. And I haven't yet figured out how to get my contacts from my old phone yet and having that before I start relying on this thing is pretty key.

It's a pretty big deal for me to have bought this Bad Girl. I have a decision-making disorder when it comes to any single purchase over $1.50. Unless it's Target - I don't seem to have this problem there. And also? My patience level when it comes to computers is nil. I have a pretty negative view of PC's, but there's a familiarity aspect that can't be discounted. This computer is more than just a hunk of fancy technology, it's kind of an impetus of a fresh start in my outlook. I want to be positive and put positivity out there and She somehow imbues me with something like faith. Re-reading this, it sounds extra cheesy with a hand-tossed crust, but I'm leaving it up because it's fucking true.

So, I've made the big leap and you can call me fangirl or whatever derogatory names you can come up with - I'm fine with it. Why? Because I'm computer-related stress-free in this moment and it's been a LONG time since I've been able to say that. And also, because I have a laptop and an iPhone!!


Anonymous said…
No derogatory names from me sister. I am happy you are stress-free from the computer world! Can't wait to see your new stuff!
JDW said…

Oh look at that commercial, its hip, its fun.....Oh gee I sure do want that, what's it called? oh man, I'm gonna go run out now and buy me an iColostomy bag by Apple. You see, you wear this cool bag around your hip, and its got internet access and can do all this other stuff like tell you how warm your bodily fluids are and there is a whole community you can sync up with. Best part? Its got an mp3 player built in (what accessory doesn't these days) and the headphone wires are fuckin white!!! UNBELIEVABLE! Now I can listen to the slish slosh of my iColostomy bag in style!

I can't wait to see you with your iPhone in your Volkswagen with your Gap clothes on. Don't forget the Bluetooth headwear!

Actually, I hope it all works out great and I myself can't wait to see your fancy new goodness. Just watch out on that iPhone, I hear they charge like 0.05/KB for the internet and with most pages averaging 1MB, thats like $20 per page loaded. However, I'm sure you've investigated the matter thoroughly.

Note: if you'd like to respond to this comment, please do not mention all the things that I have purchased that completely discredit my argument and/or viewpoint. Lets face it, if I can't be a hypocrite, I just don't know what I'd do.
Life said…
correction: jason hates europe, puppies and mac's but loves rainbows.
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
K - Bring it on. I'm a Geek Sundae with Nerds on Top.

J - You want to pet it don't you?

J - Baaaaa! At least I can make a sweater and some nice wool socks now. Oh, and how's that extra helping of jealousy working out for you? It's a mortal sin you know.

K - Europe, Puppies & Macs, OH MY!

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