I'm the Lyrical Jesse James
...which means I steal lyrics, right? I heard that line in a 90's song (coincidentally, the one that I thought said "It's gettin, it's gettin, it's gettin kinda hectic" but I only now realize they're saying HEAVY, not hectic) and I can't figure out why you'd want to promote yourself as a lyrical thief.
In other news, I've completely failed at maintaining the calm demeanor I worked so hard at cultivating during my voluntary solitude of just two short weeks ago. It promptly vanished like a fart in the wind upon my arrival at the office. I wonder if the Europeans have this problem after having been holidaying for two solid weeks in August. If any of you work with Europeans, you know that several companies pretty much clock out for the entire month - good luck getting an email reply or a returned phone call. Some get an entire MONTH off. Can you imagine? What does their inbox look like when they get back? I dread the thought considering I'm STILL not caught up from missing five freaking days.
And how cool would it be to routinely go to Mallorca or Paris or Amsterdam for a holiday? All of these cultural centers are so close together and travel between them is so cheap and easy that I've stopped asking Europeans where they're going on holiday. They inevitably ask where I'm going/have gone and I feel like a neo-maxi-zoom-dweebie saying "Oh, I went to a big lake about a 2-hour drive from home" after they've replied "I'm staying two weeks in Santorini and another week in Turkey" or some such diverse itinerary.
If you lived in Europe, where would you most want to spend your two-week vacation?
In other news, I've completely failed at maintaining the calm demeanor I worked so hard at cultivating during my voluntary solitude of just two short weeks ago. It promptly vanished like a fart in the wind upon my arrival at the office. I wonder if the Europeans have this problem after having been holidaying for two solid weeks in August. If any of you work with Europeans, you know that several companies pretty much clock out for the entire month - good luck getting an email reply or a returned phone call. Some get an entire MONTH off. Can you imagine? What does their inbox look like when they get back? I dread the thought considering I'm STILL not caught up from missing five freaking days.
And how cool would it be to routinely go to Mallorca or Paris or Amsterdam for a holiday? All of these cultural centers are so close together and travel between them is so cheap and easy that I've stopped asking Europeans where they're going on holiday. They inevitably ask where I'm going/have gone and I feel like a neo-maxi-zoom-dweebie saying "Oh, I went to a big lake about a 2-hour drive from home" after they've replied "I'm staying two weeks in Santorini and another week in Turkey" or some such diverse itinerary.
If you lived in Europe, where would you most want to spend your two-week vacation?
And if I were in Europe? I don't even know where I'd start. How about Ireland as an ode to my heritage. I want to go everywhere.
Regarding Rainbows: I like rainbows. They are pretty. I even like Rainbow Brite. So don't be all like I'm a hater. I'm no rainbow hater.
As a matter of fact, I've just decided to create a charitable organization: Rainbow Rescue. I'm accepting donations right now and 100% of the proceeds will go towards saving rainbows. In your world of excess and debauchery, will you not put a little aside for the rainbow? Maybe YOU hate rainbows.
J - So, are you trying to say there's no where in Europe you'd like to see? And yes, please sign me up for a $150 donation to Rainbow Rescue. Doesn't anyone else CARE about the rainbows and their struggle to survive?