Not Very Well Constructed

Dear Blog,

I've been neglecting you and it's not okay. I feel terrible about it and there's just no excuse for it and I should be punished. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? I'm wholly committed to making this right and whatever you deem appropriate will be done without question or attitude. And you know how hard it is for me to leave out the attitude, that's really something, right?

In my latest bout of indecision, I've still not removed the iPhone from it's package. That picture down there (that you had to look at for far too long, I agree) is still what it looks like, except that it's actually accumulated some dust from sitting on my dresser. I can't believe it either. I just can't decide whether to sell it or keep it. On one hand, it's a gadget-freak's dream and let's face it, it's slick. On the other hand, my computer, which would be required in order to sync it and get music on it from my iPod, likes to spit smoke and laugh maniacally when I try to install anything ever since the aborted XP Service Pack 2 debacle. It really has that evil laugh down. I hear it in my dreams.

Not much else is going on. I'd tell you in glorious detail about my weeklong lake retreat, but the details? They are scarce. I had the dogs as company, several beers, watched sunsets and DVD's (I heart Chet), and managed to feed myself and the dogs without incident. I also went shopping one day and bought a lovely jacket, shirt and pair of flattering, slimming shorts.

And because I know you demand it, here are some recent dog pictures. Because if you have a soul, you love dog pictures.



Cassady in Sepia:

Lotsa love and I promise not to be so distant,



Life said…
aww old man cass and dirty, dirty corn dog. why don't you bring corn over sunday- we'll put her on a short leash and torture her by keeping the children just out of licking reach. just kidding- i wouldn't do that to her.

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