Woo Hooo....Yeee Hooo

I'm off to London - quick trip this time. Just going for a one-day meeting, but somehow we're working in a dinner cruise on the Thames, so that should be fun/interesting. Since I'm not bringing my camera (have the cameraphone with me), I'm sure I'll see all sorts of cool shots. That's how it usually goes it seems like. All weekend I had my camera with me and whenever it wasn't literally in my hand, I had all kinds of ideas for shots. When I did have it, all I managed to take photos of were the river (moving F-A-S-T and coming up about an inch an hour at one point) and of the dogs (which I'm guessing everyone but me is sick of). Oh well. At least I didn't drop the camera on the concrete floor, like some people do at the Piney.

Ride is here - back in a few days!


Anonymous said…
Well sister, if I didn't love you so much I would call you a bitch for that last comment. (And it was totally his fault.)
Unknown said…
have fun! and be on the lookout for some more union jack footies. i wish i'd bought 10 pairs of those.
Life said…
Dude- haven't any of these people ever heard of teleconferencing????

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