Victory is Ours!

devon's birthday pie-off
Originally uploaded by Corn Dog.
Back story: My youngest brother was 14 or 15 when one night another brother stopped by the house to see if Shorty D-Bone wanted to go to a party since Mom & Dad were out and SDB was home alone. Upon arrival to pick him up unannounced, SDB was not ready because, as he so succinctly stated, "What about my pie?". Turns out SDB, in a state of hunger so dire he'd barely avoided gnawing his hands off, had just popped a pie in the oven. Yeah, 15 and baking pies on a Saturday night. We were merciless in our ribbing once we all heard the story. And forever since.
So this weekend was SDB's 18th birthday. Here in the states, he's now considered legal, but only because he can vote and be drafted. Still can't imbibe alcoholic beverages with impugnity, although don't tell the Piney that. So how does his loving family celebrate? With a pie baking contest of course. SDB was the judge and I'm proud to announce that our pie won! I think the clincher was the whipped cream "D" on the pie, but maybe it was the reese's peanut butter and dark chocolate chips mixed into the chocolate pudding goodness. Either way, I shall be storing this victory away for future use in deriding the losing brothers at whim.
Happy Birthday Shorty D-Bone. I always knew you had good taste.