
I'm conflicted. Should I post about my love for spuds or how burned out I am on work? Such a toss up, I'm sure you can see how this dilemma is not easily solved.

See, on the one hand, my love for potatoes is deeper and more meaningful than any mundane work-related issue and I could speak poetically about the tuber at length. But on the other hand, the very real and almost tangible drain on my psyche that's occurring in large part because of job-related blahblah is a contributing factor in why I haven't been able to muster up the energy to write much of late.

Mmmmmm. Taters.

I kind of feel like Bubba from Forrest Gump about le pomme de terres. I can eat them fried, stewed, skewered, boiled, broiled or baked. Add them to any dish and I'll pretty much guarantee I'll eat it. Starchy little nuggets of love, that's what I call potatoes.

I love me some fucking po-tay-toes. These are the thoughts that get me through the day. These and thoughts of the revenge I will exact on that devilish dust bunny from the other day. Bastard.


Unknown said…
boil em, mash em, stickeminastew.
Anonymous said…
Now if we're talkin sweet taters, I'm totally in!
Unknown said…
JP said…
I hear you re the job Dawn but... I know a place with nice padded walls and soft lighting if you're interested in a little break from the stresses of daily life!

I mean, potatoes are ok but really, it's all about meaty carcases.

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