Brrrrrr Fuck

When did I become such a cold-weather wuss? My brain is numbed just thinking about going outside. My fingers, they are so wretchedly frozen that it has taken me 8.2 minutes just to type the word wretchedly. Even the back of my arms are cold. It could very well be the first time I've noticed my arms have back sides. My arm's arse is cold, if you will. I tell you, the windows behind my desk might as well be made out of cellophane.

It would come in really handy to have the super power to start engines from afar right now. I'd be everyone in Missouri's best friend.

And now my brain is numbed by this fatuous post. And yours probably is too. You can thank me some other time - right now I'm otherwise engaged in a game of wits with a dust bunny.


Life said…
fatuous is such a great word. brrrrrr fuck.
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
I saw all three of these comments at once and I have to say, I LOVE YOU GUYS! Cracked my shit up.

And I'm ashamed to say I think I lost that battle of wits. I tend to lose those after I've huffed glue, which was the case yesterday. Monday is glue-huffing day, didn't you know?
Unknown said…
ah, see, i tend to favor metallic spray paint on mondays.
Life said…
who's got the maximum impact? let's go get kicked out of a gay bar in new orleans!

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