Best & Worst: Cocktails

Three cocktails I think are real, real tasty (even though I generally prefer beer over mixed drinks):

  • Limoncello Mojito - I had my first mojito just a few short months ago. It was no ordinary mojito, nay, it was livened up with Italian lemon-flavored liqueur which complimented the fresh mint deliciously. Four yums out of five.
  • Coconut Rum with Pineapple Juice - I'm sure this drink has a proper name, but I can't be bothered to look it up. Suffice it to say, I drank this almost exclusively for an entire summer, foregoing my typical beer preference as shocking proof I liked me some coconutty-pineapple-y goodness.
  • Watermelon Margarita - It seems that all of my fave cocktails are really summery drinks. Maybe I revert back to beer in the winter out of a subconcious need for that comforting lager. Whatever, the watermelon margarita I had at Chebby's was de-fuckin-lish. End of story.

Three cocktails I have personally tried and think taste like, well, not something I want to try again:

  • Gin & Dr. Pepper - It was an experiment at a very young age, what can I say. But heed my warning: tis a vile concoction wretched enough to make you want to swallow your tongue. And not in a good way. And for that matter, anything with gin in it is repulsive by definition. But that's just my opinion.
  • Southern Comfort & Mountain Dew - Gack. Just thinking about this drink makes my eyes water. Anything that sweet should be investigated by Mulder and Scully and filed under "Nauseatingly Sweet Alien Liquid".
  • Peppermint Schnapps & Milk - For real, y'all, I drank this. While it does surprisingly taste a lot like a candy cane, there's just nothing right about mixing alcohol and milk. Never, under any circumstances, just don't do it. And don't talk to me about White Russians or any of that nonsense either. Milk + Alcohol = Vomitlicious.


Life said…
oh dear god- not the captain's treasure. too damned sweet for me and my husband pushes them way too often.
(and personally, i like white russians. so does the dude.)

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