Always Astute Observations

  1. There are now 16 pairs of shoes and one pair of what I think are baked potatoes (probably pre-baked is more accurate) hanging from the electrical wires behind my work. And another observation I made is that they all appear to be men's shoes. Or very large women's hightops.
  2. Cassady is one step away from complete incontinence. Yesterday, he only made it two steps out the back door before dropping his load off on the patio. Super.
  3. While some bloggers posted every day during the month of November, I went the opposite route and only posted 4 times including this one. I'm contrary like that.
  4. Christmas presents bought = 1. So, yes, I'm doomed to repeat the traumatic holiday harassment that is shopping anytime in December. Went to Tar-J on Sunday reminding Surfer Boy and myself that we must not think of ourselves, but of the dear people we want to buy gifts for...and then promptly spent a small fortune on such treasures as anti-fungal foot cream and a rice cooker.
  5. There was no rice cooker in the rice cooker box. It wasn't as bad as the people that got pasta sauce instead of a camcorder, but WTF? The working theory is that a factory box-packer-upper put a slow cooker bowl in the rice cooker box.
  6. Drastic weather changes put me in a foul mood. There's just no good way to go from unseasonably warm and sunny to sleet/ice/rain/snow in the span of 12 hours.
  7. I haven't been able to come up with a coherent and useful post in quite some time. I've either got a new-found lease on life or I'm in love with your daughter. No, wait, that's not it. I'm drawing a complete....blank.


Life said…
nice grosse point blank quote.
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
No, we're not getting another dog at this time. SB says we can get another dog if I start picking up poo in the back yard to accommodate the poo from a third dog. Which means that we're never having more than two dogs.

I wish you had called me last night BTW - I could have used a good binge episode.

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