The Vednesday Vent

Der, I'm so witty! Gah!

I received a desk calendar this year as a gift - one of those where you peel off a page every day and get to see a new picture. This one is dog-themed desk calendar. So, I just looked ahead to tomorrow and it's a pretty cute picture, one weiner-looking dog has a surprised look on his face and the other little shit dog (sorry - nothing personal against the little white lap dog style dogs. I know they're great - I just can't break myself of referring to them suchly) has an equally "cute" look on his face. But the picture of the dogs isn't what I need to vent about. Nay, it's the caption on the side. This one says...

Dogs do talk, but most of us don't understand a word they say. Here's a brief guide to common canine vocalizations. Short, high-pitched barks demand attention from a family member or friend; lower-pitched, longer barks protect territory or warn of an invader; howling or mournful barks mean loneliness; whines seek attention; whining yawns indicate anxiety.

It's the last one that kills. Cassady does that whining yawn thing ALL THE TIME. Sometimes, I just get so sick of dealing with my fucking DOG'S anxiety. What about my own anxiety? My damn dog is on more medications than I am. He's been to the vet more times than I've been to my doctor in two years. Granted, he's 77 in human years so there's some increase in that to be expected of course. But he's been doing that whining yawn thing for the last four years! At least! What the hell does he have to be so anxious about??? For fuck's sake man! Get a hold of yerself!

And now, after re-reading what I just typed, I'm really feeling like I should ditch the bitching on wednesday thing and maybe start talking about how freaking good I've got it. I take so many things for granted. I think maybe I'll bitch on wednesday but then directly follow it up with polar opposite post that appreciates something in my life/world I take for granted. I'll try it out. It can't hurt, right?


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