Rant Rednesday

It's been awhile since we've done one of these, sorry about that. It sure as hell hasn't been because of a lack of things to bitch about. Me? Run out of things to bitch about? Not bloody likely.

Today I'd like to spend some time bitching about working out/dieting. Can someone tell me how it's fair that it takes nearly an entire year of hard fucking work to build up muscle and lose inches, but only TWO WEEKS for all of it to revert back to flab? Seriously, there's a conspiracy here - I can smell it.

Or how about those people that can do 10 sit-ups a day for a week and lose an inch around their waist? While my smoke-ridden lungs burn on the treadmill for hours and lose .0000082 mm around my schnoz?

Or those people with the freakishly active metabolisms that can eat any damn thing they want in whatever quantity they want and not gain a pound? I take a peek down the cookie aisle and my triceps (ha! what triceps?) jiggle like jello at the sight.

Can't remember the movie or tv show I saw this on, but there was a chick talking to another chick (shocking, I know!) about how she lost all her weight and the now-skinny one says "You don't want to know." After pressing her, she confides "I did a lot of coke." My first thought was "damn, too bad I don't go for uppers".

Now your turn. And please, rant about whatever fries your eggs.


Life said…
it was six feet under when brenda was talking to her boss. that's where the losing weight conversation came from! can't believe i remembered...

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