Baby Corn Dog

Baby Corn Dog
Originally uploaded by Corn Dog.
Welcome to the Corn Dog Blog. As you're probably well aware, dogs can't type - what, with those webbed paws and long claws, I'm not saying it can't be done...but it is a long shot. So clearly I'm merely a proxy for Corn Dog. Or is Corn Dog a proxy for me? You know, it could really go either way.

Time for the truth: I am starting this blog as a paradoxical exercise - my goal is to learn how to be more forthcoming with my feelings while practising patience and self-control.

I tend to show emotion on my face and in my tone of voice - but that's rather difficult in a blog setting. What I'd like to do is better control my outward appearance and voicing of emotions and direct those feelings into calm and rational speech. Thus was born Corn Dog Blog. I imagine that when I'm really pissed off, I can pretend I'm Corn Dog relating the tale and that will hopefully put things in perspective for me and maybe someone out there will get a laugh out of it.

I am a damn cute Corn Dog


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