I Remembered to Take Out the Trash

But I forgot to wear deodorant. It's small victories I have to applaud anymore. Things like "I remembered to brush my teeth" are celebrated with solo high fives. It's kinda awkward, but it's something you get used to.

There's this thing that Corn Dog does, well more specifically DOESN'T do, that really makes me insane. I'm pretty sure every other dog in existence knows that when you say "Wanna go outside?", you go to the door and the human let's you out. But not CD. Noooooo. That would be too easy. Cassady went to the door in a flash if he needed to go out, but somehow Corn Dog never picked it up. She'll sit there and look at me and put her paws up and whine and when I ask...she goes to her bed. I'm pretty sure she's about to puddle, but she just lays down.

Meanwhile, my avoidance maneuvers are still firmly in place as well. I've successfully avoided a number of crucial things that I've really needed to do this summer. For instance, a short list might include the following:
  • Learn Korean
  • Get a job
  • Caulk the tub
  • Get a job
  • Land a Cardinal player
  • Get a job
  • Perfect my Rock Band guitar technique
  • Get a job
So I've got my work cut out for me. If only there was some way to get motivated....OH! I know, maybe it's the part where I have only unemployment income and it barely covers my mortgage. Yep. That should do it.

The thought of getting a quote real job unquote is nauseating. The parts of my last job that made it so amazing to me were things like being able to wear any damn thing, being able to bring my dog in, being able to work from home, living 7 minutes from the office, and not least missed, the chance to travel the world. I'm not optimistic enough to think there's a chance in hell I can replicate that kind of work experience unless I start my own business.

And therein lies the crux. I could do it. I could probably be pretty successful with it. But GODDAMN if it doesn't seem like way more work than I'm willing to put into it! It's a question of growing a pair and having confidence in my abilities. Maybe this is the perfect time. Maybe this is the worst time. One way or another, I have a call at 8:30 tomorrow morning and it's up to me to lay the groundwork for what comes next. I can stick with a situation that reeks of convenience and desperation, or I can cut myself loose and get on with my thing. My own thing.

I've been accused of being a slave to convenience before. When I heard it, I disagreed heartily. That was years ago and many, many choices later, I'm pretty sure that wasn't too far off the mark. I want that to change. And lucky for me, I'm the only one that has that power.

Wish me luck.


Life said…
Good luck. You can dooo eeeet. Whatever it is that you want to do. Will you figure out what I want to do after you finishing figuring out what you are gonna do? That'd be great. P.S. You spelled remembered wrong. Sorry.
Anonymous said…
How did the meeting go? You have a huge pair and you can do anything. Fear is the only thing holding you back, it has nothing to do with what you are capable of.

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