Bienvenue 2009 et Au Revoir 2008

I still struggle with what to write here. 2008 verily sucked. Sure there were some moments I'll recall with fondness, but I'm going to have to go with Strongly Disagree if the question is "Would you classify 2008 as a good year?".

From one nasty habit to another. I'm trying to quit smoking and I'm not using any medical or OTC aids...yet. But I've taken to sleeping on the couch - the busted out, drooping in the middle monstrosity and it's not doing much for my back health or my emotional well-being. I bought a pretty fancy mattress in September but for some reason, it's just not doing it for me. Part of the reason definitely has to do with how cold my bedroom is but sadly, that's only half the story. The other half is certainly the part where sleeping in it alone is deflating. And Corn Dog just isn't the bastion of warmth and affection I need her to be. I wonder if Cesar Milan could help me train her to be a better co-sleeper.

Maybe I'll blog more now that my time isn't so structured with smoke breaks. I also wonder if I'll ever go outside or into the basement again now that I don't have the impetus of cigarettes.

Ick. Re-reading this entry makes me scowl. I know I have so much for which I am grateful and so many GOOD and POSITIVE things happened to me in 2008 but you surely wouldn't know it from the slant here. The new year really needs a more positive start to it. So here's a list of people I'd like to thank if I won some kind of Shut Up and Be Thankful Award:

First, I'd like to thank my family. I'd never have made it this far without them. Followed closely by my friends, with whom I've shared such exalted highs and such woeful lows all while knowing they'd be right there with me if I needed to grab hold of something grounded. And boy howdy, have I ever. But that knowledge that family or friends are there when I reach out has been my touchstone in so many dark times and I wish I knew a better way of telling each of them how much appreciation and gratitude abound in my heart for them. Maybe that is the best resolution I can make: to be more vocal about my love and appreciation for those closest to me.

I'll tackle that just as soon as I no longer want to trade in the dogs for a drag off a cigarette.


Anonymous said…
Amen Sister, 2008 sucked. I am thankful for a new year and the same old resolutions to break by the end of the month.
I'm proud of you for quitting smoking. It's a big undertaking and I know you can do it!
I too am making it a habit of telling my friends/family how much they mean to me on a regular basis. Let's make '09 a year full of good things. Love ya!
Life said…
maybe you could get one of those real dolls to sleep next to? or a GIANT hot water bottle (does anyone actually own a hot water bottle?)

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