Barcelona Bound

There is definitely a pattern around here. About two weeks before I leave town for a work trip, this place gets real, real quiet. The biggest reason for this that no matter how pretty and shiny this Mac looks, it's still a computer underneath and after playing at work for 50+ hours in front of a monitor, the last thing that excites me is sitting down in front of a computer.

Stuff's been happening though and we've been busy here in Stinky Dog Land. For instance, did you know they sell clear wrapping paper? It's basically saran wrap and I ask the universe: WHY? Why oh why would anyone produce, package, market and sell clear wrapping paper? It defeats the entire purpose of wrapping paper. And why would anyone actually BUY clear wrapping paper? Well, I bought it thinking it was a silver foil type of wrapping paper because the buggers put some foil just around the cardboard tube so that it LOOKED like silver wrapping paper. I guess next time I'm going for the metal look, I'll save some money (does anyone else think the price of wrapping paper is close to extortionate?) and wrap the stupid toaster oven in aluminum foil.

It was a wedding gift and it was on the registry, the toaster oven, I'll have you know. My mom bought them a blender. Which is worse? At least the blender was easy to wrap.

On a different note, I had a bizarre shopping experience this weekend. I like to accent my business wardrobe choices with one new item for each trip. It can be a blouse or a jacket or shoes - just something new and different to liven up an outfit. So I went to (cue duh duh duh music) THE MALL. Specifically, I've been finding stuff I like at JCHoohah's. I went at about 7.00 on a Saturday night and it must be close to formal time in high school because there were a significant number of giggly gaggles of girls hanging out in the gaudy dress section. Side note: what IS polyester made of? This did not deter me though - I soldiered on in hopes of finding one or two somethings that fit nicely and were in my (super stingy) price range.

And then the oddest thing happened: I found not one or two things, but many many things that I liked and were ON SALE and actually fit. That sentence should have an exclamation point, but it's still too surreal to believe it actually happened. Generally my clothing shopping trips are more akin to Chinese torture treatments and inevitably leave me feeling sad and stabby. But this time? I purchased ten pieces, paid less than $200, and I love every piece. Is there a glitch in the matrix because this shit doesn't happen, at least, not in my experience.

The only downside I'm seeing from this anomaly of a shopping experience is that now I need some new shoes. And this? Is a downside I'll happily take. I love me some shoe shopping. Shoes always fit.

I'll be in Barcelona from Saturday to Friday so don't expect much in the way of fresh posts in the interim. I've discovered a fatal flaw in the iPhone and it means I won't be checking email or getting any data at all, if I'm lucky, while I'm traveling abroad, unless anyone volunteers to pay my $600+ data bill. But the good news is I'll finally be travelling with a laptop, so I'd say chances of a new post during the trip are about even with every other work trip - slim to unlikely, but you just never know.


Anonymous said…
I am so envious of your shopping juju!! And it happened AT THE MALL...!!!! How is that even possible?? How, I say. Can you sprinkle some of that on my forehead?
Life said…
I think polyester is made from... PEOPLE! Actually, it usually a form of plastic although it can be "natural" when made from plant cuticles. Who knew plants had cuticles? Wikipedia of course!

Have fun in Barcelona. If you need a personal assistant? I'm your woman.
Anonymous said…
You are lucky! With all the new fall stuff coming out I've had a tiny bit of luck, nothing like 10 pieces for that price though.
Hope you have fun in Barcelona, be safe.
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
F - I'm not kidding - there's a glitch in the matrix. That shit doesn't ever happen to me.

K - I'd be all Devil Wears Prada-bitch to any PA, so I think you would hate the job. Plus, I'd have to ask you to name your first-born after me and well, we know it's too late for that.

J - Oh, I don't think I got anything fall-riffic. Just summery type stuff that can be passed off as fall-ish. I'm sneaky like that.
Life said…
Upon much consideration, I think the only time clear wrapping paper would be useful is if someone were giving me something from Tiffany's in the nice blue box.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I have been to Barcelona last summer. Finding a nice centrally located apartment in Barcelona hotels is no easier than any other great city, and so I am very fortunate that my wife's cousin Luisa has one with a view across to Sagrada Familia by way of her laundry porch. She is very old now, and we haven't visited her since 1998, so I keep telling my wife, it's time to return to Barcelona. This is one of my favorite cities to just wander around. It's generally very safe and clean, and the architecture of Gaudi among many other great Catalan architects, is wonderful to look at.

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