
Showing posts from August, 2007

Throwing caution to the wind

I've gone and done it now. I am typing this entry on my shiny new Macbook. Just typing that sentence gives me goose bumps. I got it yesterday and since then, I've downloaded all of my music and photos and activated the iPhone. And everything has just worked. I plugged in the external hard drive and all of my stuff was there. I plugged in the ethernet cable and I had live tubes of Internet goodness. I plugged in my camera and poof - all my pictures were downloaded. I do have some issues though, coming from a PC world for so long. For instance, how exactly do you select all? I cannot figure it out. And what is "the finder"? It's in a lot of help question answers and I haven't a clue what it is. And I haven't yet figured out how to get my contacts from my old phone yet and having that before I start relying on this thing is pretty key. It's a pretty big deal for me to have bought this Bad Girl. I have a decision-making disorder when it comes...

I'm the Lyrical Jesse James

...which means I steal lyrics, right? I heard that line in a 90's song (coincidentally, the one that I thought said "It's gettin, it's gettin, it's gettin kinda hectic" but I only now realize they're saying HEAVY, not hectic) and I can't figure out why you'd want to promote yourself as a lyrical thief. In other news, I've completely failed at maintaining the calm demeanor I worked so hard at cultivating during my voluntary solitude of just two short weeks ago. It promptly vanished like a fart in the wind upon my arrival at the office. I wonder if the Europeans have this problem after having been holidaying for two solid weeks in August. If any of you work with Europeans, you know that several companies pretty much clock out for the entire month - good luck getting an email reply or a returned phone call. Some get an entire MONTH off. Can you imagine? What does their inbox look like when they get back? I dread the thought considering I...

Raccoons in the City

A co-worker of mine lives out in the country, in a neighboring county that is widely characterized by it's meth labs and backwoods-inspired attire of a majority of it's citizens. And I can see why she prefers it: a lake, a golf course, gated community to keep out the riff raff, that type of thing. But there are serious drawbacks, of which any one of them would be deal-breakers for me. Such as: The Commute: She drives easily 50 miles in traffic each way, every week day, through three counties. The Crazies: The crazy of the not-quite-rural-not-quite-urban folk should not be underestimated. Her interaction is generally limited to retail and restaurant encounters, and a common beginning to any of her stories is something along the lines of "When I stopped for gas the other day, this extra-creepy guy in a big truck ____________ (fill in the blank with something civilized people only do behind tightly shut and locked doors with the windows covered over with newspaper). Thi...

Not Very Well Constructed

Dear Blog, I've been neglecting you and it's not okay. I feel terrible about it and there's just no excuse for it and I should be punished. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? I'm wholly committed to making this right and whatever you deem appropriate will be done without question or attitude. And you know how hard it is for me to leave out the attitude, that's really something, right? In my latest bout of indecision, I've still not removed the iPhone from it's package. That picture down there (that you had to look at for far too long, I agree) is still what it looks like, except that it's actually accumulated some dust from sitting on my dresser. I can't believe it either. I just can't decide whether to sell it or keep it. On one hand, it's a gadget-freak's dream and let's face it, it's slick. On the other hand, my computer, which would be required in order to sync it and get music on it from my iPod, likes to spit s...

I won this!

I won this! , originally uploaded by Corn Dog .