Should Be Working...

...but I'm not. It's ten-to-six and I still have two things I absolutely must get done before I can leave this god-forsaken computer alone for the 14 hours in between work days. So naturally, I'm here instead.

I've developed some twitches lately. I've heard these come up as a result of stress and it's not like I haven't ever experienced a twitch, but never these body parts. Who's ever heard of a twitch in your ear lobe? Not really. My index finger on my right hand, my quad muscle on my left leg, my eye and my upper lip have taken turns twitching for extended periods over the last couple of weeks. They're minor irritations of course, but the index finger twitch is seriously affecting my typing and enjoyment of sitting at the keyboard for hours on end. I'll be sitting there with my fingers resting on the keys and out of nowhere, there's three J's out there on the screen from Sir Index Finger jumping up and down of its own accord. What's up with that?

Random note: I just looked in my filing cabinet drawer where I keep junk (music CD's, alcohol for cleaning my phone, name badges from past events, etc) and discovered a half-eaten bag of chocolate animal crackers. The expiration date on them is from two years ago. Hmm. Maybe I ought to toss those. Do you think?

Random poll: If you had to choose between working at a conference in South Africa and a conference in Malta, which would you choose?

Random thought: What is this new music genre I've recently heard of: reggaeton? WTF is that? Ok, so I have a wiki window open...apparently it's not new at all. I've really got my finger on the pulse of contemporary music, don't I? I'll quit with the wiki links now.

Random observation: I'm still not working. Crap!


Anonymous said…
I'd have to say South Africa. Wouldn't that just leave Antarctica and South America for you? How many people can say they've been to that many continents? One last thing, who would let chocolate covered animal crackers go bad? What's wrong with you?
Unknown said…
ok, then let me weigh in for malta. granted, it is true that you have yet to go to africa, and that is a factor. but ah, i love the if it were my choice...yeah, malta. either way, you win.
Unknown said…
plus, i must admit that south africa scares me just a little.
Life said…
i vote south africa. just be careful of car jackers.
JP said…
As a twitch goes I'd say hitting the 'J' isn't bad, certainly in the top two letters as far as I'm concerned.

Re the poll, SA all the away, especially if it’s in Cape Town.

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