
Originally uploaded by Corn Dog.

Flowers for you. Mandevilla flowers to be exact. From the plant I gave my Mom for Mother's Day.


Life said…
I love the Mardi Gras Mask Corn Dog.
Unknown said…
what, my comment wasn't good enough to make the cut? i see how it is...actually, i'm just making conversation. happy soon to be birthday!
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
what comment? what cut? what ARE you talking about devil woman?
Life said…
I posted about yer almost birthday havin' ass on mi bloggo. So take that! Call if there are celebratory plans or I'll keep your gift for my greedy self.
Unknown said…
i made some comment about mandevillas vs bouganvilia, or however you spell them, and how i don't know the difference between them. it was really riveting, obviously.

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