How can you top feminine product costumes?

feminine product halloween 04
Originally uploaded by Corn Dog.
The first time we went to the local watering holes' Halloween contest fest (that'd be the Old Millstream), we won third place with our John and Lorena Bobbit getups. I think the bloody sausage in a jar prop really sealed the deal. And the next year, we knew we had peaked too soon because we couldn't come up with shit for ideas and ended up going as a psycho clown and a hippie or something equally inane.
But last year we really thought we had a winner costume idea for a couple. Dave went as a maxi pad and I was a tampon. Have you ever seen costumes of feminine hygiene products before? Maybe I don't get out enough, but I never had. I was seriously convinced we'd win third again, at the very least.
But alas, no reward was forthcoming because the contest was inexplicably not decided by the powers that be (Troy). There were no winners, but I guess that means there were no losers either. Screw that. I wanted to win! We could have won! Dammit all to hell! How are we gonna top this?