Tulum Doorway

Tulum Doorway
Originally uploaded by Corn Dog.
I wish the actual blue color of the ocean came out in this picture - this will be my goal for next week: to take pictures that show the true colors of Mexico's Mayan Riviera. That, and not letting anything ruin my good time...when you travel with family there's always that chance that we'll revert to our pre-puberty selves and start slapping and pinching and saying mean things.
On Wednesday, I was on a flight from Philadelphia and there was a family that consisted of Mom & Dad and like 8 kids ranging in age from just popped out to maybe twelve. When I saw that they were going to be on the flight, I tried not to think it was going to be a long one. Then, once we're aloft, the kids start passing candy between them - a lot of candy. I personally witnessed the transferrance of gummy bears, bubble gum, licorice and maybe something chocolatey in the first five minutes of the flight. I kept trying to hope for the best and you know what - those kids were so freaking well-behaved. The oldest boy and girl were sitting next to each other closest to me and they never raised their voices, never started beating on each other, never annoyed anyone around them once. They played cards and video games and I was simply in awe. Give it up for those parents (who I might add, were sitting 4 rows away from the ones by me - reason alone to start pinching and otherwise torturing my brothers in my earlier years) who must have some kind of child-rearing gift. And a good thing too since they had so damn many of them!