My Birthday Rocked...A Month Ago

For my birthday, I got just about everything a girl like me could hope for and then some. To wit:
  • Cardinals tickets in home-run-catching territory. No such luck, but the company was divine (JoySoy Habanero and Super Sue), the day was glorious, and the home team was victorious.
  • Massive amounts of alcohol consumed with friends and a free ride back to a complimentary downtown hotel room (that damn JoySoy went overboard and thanks to Anna y Jorge for the ride).
  • The day off work.
  • A family gathering that consisted of dinner with grandparents (so fucking cute, those two), then outdoor viewing of Three Stooges shorts on the back of a garage, sitting under a tree, drinking beer, and THEN, then having a whipped cream pie fight. The absolute OWNAGE of my brother by my freakishly tall brother, was too beautiful for words.
  • Gift cards to Target and DSW. Fuck yeah-eah-eah!
  • The gift of flowers. Beautiful scarlet and yellow fragrant lilies. Goah-jus!
And that's really just the highlights. There were even other good parts not fit for public consumption. I'd love to write all about them, but my laptop battery is conveniently out of juice.


Juan Juanson said…
I need to tell you the same thing I told your brother (who has since redeemed himself with two recent posts). Which is: Seriously? I finally get a login to comment, and you don't post? That's just a mean kind of nonsense.
Unknown said…
oh corn dog---it is almost have 2 days to get an august post up there...i know you care...

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