Hi Y'all From South Carolina*

While it's not quite as cool as blogging from the toilet, I am quite proud that I am typing this from my couch. I bought a wireless router, plugged it in, and like all of my experiences so far with the Beautiful Gleaming Laptop O'Mac, it just worked. And here I sit.

Some wretchedly inane wedding dress reality show is on the TV. Oh wait, my legs aren't broken AND I have a remote. I guess that's the downside to couch writing.

I haven't been much in the mood to write lately. Or, more accurately, I haven't been in the mood to do much at all lately. Except drink beer. The desire for the beer never wanes apparently. And if you're looking for a nice brown beer, I heartily suggest O'Dell's Levity Amber Ale. It's "Oh My!" good, I tell you. And the label seems so apropos:

"Levity was named by our brewers partly for its light color - and partly for the way it just refuses to take itself too seriously. Hey, we could all use a little levity once in a while."

One more beer item: St. Louis brewery Schlafly has a nice variety out called No. 15 and it is delicious with chocolate. So, if you are planning on getting drunk and eating the Halloween remnants, I vigorously endorse this beer as a delightful accompaniement.

I wish I had more to share here, but like I said, I've just not been inspired. I seem to be barely holding my head above water when it comes to my mental and emotional state and it's just not the type of stuff I want to write about or the type of stuff you want to read about. I have some work trips coming up this month - going to Las Vegas in a week or so and at the end of the month, I'll be going back to Malta - and I plan to start carrying my camera with me everywhere so if I've got nothing to say, at least I can communicate visually.

*The coffee mug I use at work says this. I'm not acutally in SC, but I did go there for work and the very nice clients I had there sent this mug to me. That was 8 years ago this month. Crazy.


Unknown said…
beer sounds good. let's go have some. now? it's almost P.M.
Life said…
oh you are so going to blog on the toilet. admit it.
JDW said…
you need to let the writing flow from within you, you are trying to bottleneck it so as to avoid saying something that might be revealing and yet as you contain yourself and then admit to being contained, you reveal everything. Let it flow......just let it flow

per bobby beamer:
"....for a while"
"wanna do some blow?"

admit it, you have no idea where I'm gonna go next, only problem is........ I've already been there. I've seen things. I've seen things that have no earthly explanation. I've ridden into the sunset and let the sun melt my flesh away. I've walked, a skeleton amongst the skeletons. I saw that some people actually are big boned.
Life said…
... for a while.
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
A - Ok. I'm only a few days late. You're still there though, right? I'll be right there.

K - That would mean I'd have to actually take the laptop into the bathroom and I don't trust myself enough to go there.

J - Do you honestly think there's some stored up conflict between us? There is no us.

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