Don't You Love it When...

..."She's a Brick....HOUSE" plays on the radio? I know I sure do. One of my birthday cards from this year played that song. Also? Surfer Boy sang that song on stage in Colorado in one of his drunker moments. He wishes I'd forget that tidbit.'re trying to water the flowers, but the dog keeps standing right in front of the hose stream? Corn Dog was a wee bit hot yesterday and just wanted to be hosed down for a good five minutes. The flowers got nary a drop of life-sustaining water until Corn Dog was properly cooled down.
...the forecast for the weekend you're going to the lake is absolutely perfect? Hot enough to swim, but not so hot the lake will feel like bath water.
...the reason you can go to the lake is that your sweet, adorable cousin is watching the dogs? God love her. I hope they don't freak on her cats.
...the new Harry Potter movie is released? It's a bit slow-starting in my opinion, but once it got the momentum going, it was funny, gasp-inducing (hadn't read the book since it was originally published - that makes a difference), and scary. Ralph Fiennes is fucking creepy as Voldemort - brilliant. get paid to blog? My company has a couple of blogs for our events and I had to write a post for one of them today. So, I can honestly say I get paid to blog. It's 1/100th of my job, but hey, no one knows that. Well, except for you five readers. Shhh. Let's keep that between us.'s been an entire week without any hive-y, rash-y incidents? Small victories.
...a joke prize actually exists? Clamato? I really wish I didn't know there is such a thing as a calamari juice cocktail. Dis-gus-ting. Sister Jenn, I'll think of another way to compensate you for correctly identifying "So I Married an Axe Murder" as the movie from whence the quote in the last post came.


Life said…
really? you didn't know about clamato? i have heard clamato bloody marys are actually pretty good but i don't know if i can handle cephalopod based beverages.
Life said…
make that mollusk based beverages since clamato is made of clam juice but a theoretical calamari juice cocktail would be a cephalopod based beverage. just wanted to clearn that up before anna corrected me.
Anonymous said…
To hell with Clamato, how about a beer? Or Sunday brunch of wine and cheese?
Unknown said…
maybe we can do the requisite second watch of HP at the science center again? this time, we'll sit higher up.
JP said…
Not being funny but isn't Harry Potter for kids... unless HP is the mighty fine sauce therefore 'Houses of Parliament', in which case go for your life!

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