The Christmas Card Pose

The Christmas Card Pose
Originally uploaded by Corn Dog.

Lately, one of our more enjoyable pasttimes is tormenting my parents with "Granddoggies". I'm already 32 and Dave is already 35, so it doesn't take a whole lot of convincing to have my parents more than a little worried that we're for real when we say to them "You don't need grandkids, you've got such a full life already with your granddoggies". I guess they'll be excited to hear then that my chosen provider for prescription refills neglected to alert me to the fact that my doctor DENIED MY REFILL for my b.c. pills until I make an appointment. Gee, maybe if I had known they wanted to see me, I would have made a fucking appointment. As Robbie Hart says, "Information that would have been useful to me YESTERDAY!".


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