
Showing posts from July, 2005

Big Piney

Big Piney Originally uploaded by Corn Dog . Thank you to everyone that came to the Piney last weekend. The motley crew managed to pack in a heavy amount of drinking, smoking and general zaniness and Kim & Mike weren't even there! We missed you guys though. Let's see...who was there: Anna, Shannon, Matt (of April & Matt but April went on a different float that traitor), Aaron, The Drunk Monk, Christian the Pisschin, Josh & Bert, Marty & Meeghan, Bischof, Andy & Jamie (all the way from A-T-L-A-N-T-A - the first to ever fly to MO just for the Piney), Joy & Jeff (I count them as they were on the float trip but nothing else), Aaron & Steve (fucking maniacs - they were also only on the float and thank the Capital G-od for that), Ryan & Sister Jenn, Blood, JDPimp and myself and Dave. Oh and don't forget Cassady, Corn Dog, Cleo, Jasmine, Indy & Bo of the canine-variety friends. We still have people shitting in the river though and that's...

A Letter to the Terrorists, From London

From The London News Review: What the fuck do you think you're doing? This is London. We've dealt with your sort before. You don't try and pull this on us. Do you have any idea how many times our city has been attacked? Whatever you're trying to do, it's not going to work. All you've done is end some of our lives, and ruin some more. How is that going to help you? You don't get rewarded for this kind of crap. And if, as your MO indicates, you're an al-Qaeda group, then you're out of your tiny minds. Because if this is a message to Tony Blair, we've got news for you. We don't much like our government ourselves, or what they do in our name. But, listen very clearly. We'll deal with that ourselves. We're London, and we've got our own way of doing things, and it doesn't involve tossing bombs around where innocent people are going about their lives. And that's because we're better than you. Everyone is better than you. Our...

black dogs

black dogs Originally uploaded by Kimba No Limba . This is me and my buddy Gondu from Texas. Gondu is so much more well-behaved than myself. Of course, he went to doggy boot camp, so he better be. Me, I'm just out of control and you love me for it. Admit it.

Why Can't We All Be So Happy?

Me! Originally uploaded by Corn Dog . What is it about terrorists that makes them think they'll get anyone on their side by blowing up civilians? Don't their respective "governments" ever do anything that they don't agree with? I know mine sure does. But that hardly gives me reason to blow up commuters or anyone for that matter, does it? Couldn't they get a lot more accomplished by fucking up the world's oil supply or the governments that supply Western countries with the oil? But never mind those assholes. Peace and prayer and love out to everyone affected by today's bombings in London. There are many people I consider friends in London and throughout the U.K. so I hope everyone comes through this unscathed.

Corn Dog's Coolest Playmate

Corn Dog's Coolest Playmate Originally uploaded by Corn Dog .

The Christmas Card Pose

The Christmas Card Pose Originally uploaded by Corn Dog . Lately, one of our more enjoyable pasttimes is tormenting my parents with "Granddoggies". I'm already 32 and Dave is already 35, so it doesn't take a whole lot of convincing to have my parents more than a little worried that we're for real when we say to them "You don't need grandkids, you've got such a full life already with your granddoggies". I guess they'll be excited to hear then that my chosen provider for prescription refills neglected to alert me to the fact that my doctor DENIED MY REFILL for my b.c. pills until I make an appointment. Gee, maybe if I had known they wanted to see me, I would have made a fucking appointment. As Robbie Hart says, "Information that would have been useful to me YESTERDAY!".